Meeting point: Marina Gate or the Amphitheater Gate

Duration: 4 hours

Tour recommended to those people who want to get a complete picture of the ancient city.

Highlights: Marina Gate, Basilica (court house), Forum, Temple of Juppiter, Temple of Venus, Political buildings, Forum Baths, the meat and fish market (Macellum), Plaster casts, Triangolar Forum, Theatres, House of Menander, Lupanar (brothel), Bakery, House of the Faun, Necropolis of Nuceria Gate, City Walls, Anphitheater, Gymnasium, Fields of fugitives, the street of Abundance, Termopolium of Vetutius Placidus (restaurant), the Fullonica of Stephanus (laundry), Fountain of Abundance, Villa of Mysteries

COST: 260

Meeting point: Amphitheater Gate

Duration: 2 hours

Nice tour recommended to people with reduced mobility.

Highlights: Necropolis of Nuceria Gate, Burial of Eumachia, Field of fugitives (plaster casts), House of  the Ship Europa, the Street of the Abundance, Termopolium of Vetutius Placidus (restaurant), Amphitheatre, Gymnasium.

COST: 140

Meeting point: Amphitheater Gate

Duration: 2 hours

Tour recommended to those people who have already visited Pompeii.

Highlights: Necropolis of Nuceria Gate, Amphitheatre, Gymnasium, House of Venus in the shell, House of Octavius Quartius, Sarno Gate, City walls, Nolana Gate, Necropolis of Nolana Gate, Nola street, house of the Gladiators, House of Marco Lucrezio Frontone (if opened), Necropolis of Vesuvio Gate, Burial of Vestorius Priscus, Herculaneum Gate, Necropolis Herculaneum Gate, Villa of Misteries.

COST: 140

Meeting point: Esedra Square

Duration: 2 hours

Classic tour recommended to those people who visit Pompeii for the first time.

Highlights: Odeion (small theatre), The Large Theatre, Temple of Iside, the Lupanar (brothel), Water pipes, the Street of Abundance, Hose of Fauno, Fountains, Forum (the main square), Temple of Juppiter, Municipal Buildings, Thermal Baths, Macellum, Plaster casts, Basilica (court house), Temple of Venus.

COST: 140

Meeting point: Amphitheater Gate or Marina Gate

Duration: 4 hours

Tour recommended for schools and families.

Highlights: Necropolis of Nuceria Gate, City Walls, Amphitheater, Gymnasium, House of Venus in shell, Fields of fugitives, the street of Abundance, Termopolium di Vetutius Placidus (restaurant), the Fullonica of Stephanus (laundry), House of Menander, Odeion (small theatre), Big Theatre, Lupanar (brothel), Water pipes, Fountain of Abundance, Forum, Temple of Juppiter, Municipal buildings, Forum Thermal, Macellum, Plaster casts, Temple of Venus.

COST: 260

Meeting point: Anphitheater Gate or Marina Gate

Duration: 3 hours

Tour recommended to schools and families with children.

Highlights: Necropolis, Fortified wall, Amphitheater, Gym, Plaster casts, the main street, Termopolium of Vetutio Placido (restaurant), Fullonica of Stephanus (laundry), Lupanar (brothel), House of Menander, Fountain and lead pipes, Forum (the main square), Temple of Juppiter, Municipal buildings (curia)

COST: 200

Meeting point: Marina Gate

Duration: 2 hours

Classic tour including a visit of the famous Villa of Mysteries.

Highlights: Marina Gate, Basilica (court house), Forum (the main square), Temple of Juppiter, Municipal buildings(curia), Plaster casts, Honorific arches, Forum baths, Termopolium Capuano (food shop), Bakery, House of the Surgeon, Herculaneum Gate, Necropolis of Herculaneum Gate, Villa of Misteries.

COST: 140

Meeting point: Marina Gate

Duration: 3 hours

Classic tour recommended to those people who visit Pompeii for the first time.

Highlights: Marina Gate, Basilica (court house), Forum,  Triangolar Forum, Teatro Grande, Odeion (small theatre), House of Menander, Lupanar (brothel), Bakery, House of the Faun, Forum Baths, Termopolium Capuano, House of Tragic Poet, Plaster casts, Temple of Juppiter, Temple of Venus.

COST: 200

Meeting point: Marina Gate

Duration: 2 hours

Classic tour recommended to those people who visit Pompeii for the first time.

Highlights: Marina Gate, Basilica (court house), Forum (the main square), Municipal buildings (curia), the meat and fish market (Macellum), Thermal baths, Termopolium Capuano, House of Vettii or House of Menander, Bakery, plaster casts, Temples of Juppiter and Venere, the Lupanar (brothel), Fountains and lead pipes.

COST: 140


from November 1th to March 31th

every day from 8.30 am to 15.30

April 1th to October 31th

Every day from 8.30 am to 18.00 

Access to Ruins

Marina Gate

Amphitheater Square

Esedra Square

Entrance fee

Archaeological excavations of Pompeii

Full € 13.00
Reduced € 6.50 (*)


for citizens under 18 years

(*) Reduced: for EU citizens aged between 18 and 24 years of age and for teachers of the European Union



Ask anyone from around the world to name a site of archaeological significance and most will immediately answer, 'Pompeii!'

The site of Pompeii is of unparalleled importance and a trip to the area of Campania for those with even the slightest interest in history, culture, society or archaeology would be incomplete without visiting the town that was buried under a vast layer of burning stone and ash when the volcano they thought dormant, Vesuvius, erupted in AD79. Thanks to this layer of ash, everything was incredibly well-preserved so that visitors today can walk around an intact Roman town, enter houses, temples, amphitheatres and even a brothel, and truly feel what it was like to live in Roman times. 

The town of Pompeii is situated on a volcanic plateau, about 30 meters above sea level on the Southern slope of the Mount Vesuvius and a short distance from the river Sarno’s estuary. While its origins are uncertain, Pompeii is believed to have been founded by the Campanian Oscans in the 7th century BC, and quickly became the main Roman port for the inland agricultural cities of Campania such as Nocera, Acerra and Nola which transported their goods to the port of Pompeii along the River Sarno.

In the 5th century BC the Samnites came down from the mountains and conquered a vast area of Campania, including Pompeii, and as a result the city underwent enormous architectural and urban planning transformations. After the Samnite Wars, Pompeii became a Roman colony while keeping its institutional and linguistic independence. Around the 2nd century BC the Roman domain over the Mediterranean favored the traffic of goods and Pompeii enjoyed a period of great economic prosperity and experienced a significant population boom, as evidenced by the development of both public and private buildings: the Temple of Jupiter, the Basilica and the House of the Fauno all belong to this period.

During the Social Wars, in the first decade of 1st century BC, Pompeii and Stabiae fought against Rome, but in spite of a strenuous defense, the town fell under Silla’s army and was definitively included under Roman power. 

Then, according to Tacitus in February 62AD, a terrible earthquake struck which devastated the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, causing the deaths of many inhabitants and massive damage to buildings. Many of those who survived this catastrophe were evacuated and fortunately were not present when, in 79AD, with the reconstruction work still taking place, Mt. Vesuvius erupted and the towns were completely buried under a layer of ash, lapilli (burning fragments of pumice stone) and other volcanic material.


The uniqueness of Pompeii is that visitors have the opportunity to truly experience the way of life at Roman times. Strolling along its roads, visiting its buildings and private houses, entering into the markets and admiring the paintings, mosaics and everyday objects gives one an insight into how people lived at that time.

The Sun path marked the daily activities of the inhabitants in the ancient Pompeii. The shops opened at dawn and the Forum was filled with merchants and sellers. People went to the Baths, which were also open to slaves, and gathered in the many pubs to get a hot meal or play a game of dice. The amphitheater represented the main attraction in town; the gladiators’ performances were extremely popular and also provided the opportunity for people sponsoring them to advance their cursus honoris (political careers). Needless to say, the numerous brothels, scattered all around the town, were also extremely popular and provided their particular services to both locals and strangers alike. 

A lively and hectic port home to much hustle and bustle, Pompeii was a melting pot of race and religions and it's easy to imagine it had a very cosmopolitan atmosphere.

The excavations

After this catastrophic event, Pompeii largely receded from the public eye. But then during the construction of the Sarno Canal, in 1594, the first discoveries were stumbled upon. Nevertheless, it wasn't until 1748, during the reign of King Charles III of Bourbon, that exploration and excavation proper of Herculaneum began. 

Initially the excavations were carried out with the mere objective of collecting precious objects and decorations. It was only in 1763, after the finding of an inscription near Porta Ercolano with the name of the city carved on it that the realisation dawned that they were in fact digging the ancient Pompeii and not Stabiae as was initially thought. 

During the period of French control of Naples - the time of Enlightenment (1806-1815) - the excavation methodology changed: things became more organised, and an itinerary was drawn up to accommodate the visits of scholars and important personages.

The French wanted to excavate the town in a more systematic fashion, going from West to East. At certain times, they employed as many as 1500 workmen, and this concentration of effort led to the Foro, the Terme, the Casa di Pansa, the Casa di Sallustio and the Casa del Chirurgo all being excavated.

With the return of the Bourbons, there was a reduced budget for such work, but the excavations continued mainly in the North Western part of town with the extraordinary finding of the House of the Faun. After the birth of the Italian nation in the 1861, Giuseppe Fiorelli worked for the Italian government, and made a lot of important discoveries. He divided the town into regiones and insulae (districts and blocks) with the introduction of a pioneering moulding technique that allowed him to obtain a plaster cast showing the last seconds of human and animal lives by inserting a liquid plaster into the empty underground spaces left by decomposed bodies. In the 20th century, thanks to Amedeo Maiuri, the extension of the excavation reached 44 hectares and facilities were built to promote tourism at the site. Then, following the disastrous earthquake in 1980, the cataloguing of the immense archaeological finds was intensified and nowadays a series of Italian and foreign archaeological teams are conducting stratigraphic and historical research.




A list of amazing archaeological tours in the world most preserved archaeological site. Many different itineraries are available.

Tour Price: 90€/per hour (minimum 2 hours); 60€ every extra hour

Tour type: Archaeology and History tour; Private tour; walking tour.

Running days: Every day

Main visited places: Tours of every duration include visit at the private houses, public building, shops, plaster cast and the brothel.

Maximum travelers: 10 (a small group guarantees a service of better quality) Tours for larger groups can be arranged on demand.

What’s not included: Entrance ticket (13€); Transportation (If it can be arranged with Mercedes Limousine, Mini Van or Bus, Hotel pick-up or drop-off)

Kid Friendly: Yes


Disable friendly: See the Easy tour below

Disable friendly


Meeting point: Marina Gate or the Amphitheater Gate

Duration: 6 hours

Tour recommended to those people who don’t want to miss much of the ancient city.

Highlights: Marina Gate, Basilica (court house), Forum, Temple of Juppiter, Temple of Apollo, Temple of Venus, Political buildings, Forum Baths, Macellum, Plaster casts,  Triangolar Forum, Theatres, House of Menander, Lupanar (brothel), Bakery, House of the Faun, Termopolium Capuano (restaurant), House of Tragic Poet,  Necropolis of Nuceria Gate, City Walls, Amphitheater, Gymnasium, House of Venus in shell, Fields of fugitives, House of the Ship Europa, the street of Abundance, Termopolium of Vetutius Placidus (restaurant), the Fullonica of Stephanus (laundry), House of Menander, Fountain of Abundance.

COST: 380

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túra tárlatvezetés Pompeii  екскурзии на Помпей  вођене туре Помпеји  visites guiades a Pompeia  prohlídky Pompejí  vodstva od Pompeja  guidede ture i Pompeji  opastettuja Pompeijin  des visites guidées de Pompéi  მართვადი ტურები pompeii  ポンペイのガイド付きツアー  turais threoraithe Pompeii  leiðsögn um Pompei тури на Помпеја guidede turer pompei rondleidingen

شهر پمپی راهنما van Pompeii  zwiedzanie Pompei ทัวร์เมืองปอมเปอี visitas guiadas de Pompéia  tururi ghidate ale orașului Pompei  Экскурсии Помпеи  prehliadky Pompejí vodene oglede Pompejev   visitas guiadas a Pompeya  guidade turer i Pompeji  Führungen von Pompeji  Pompei'nin rehberli turlar  Екскурсії Помпеї  tárlatvezetés Pompei  폼페이 투어

udhëzues Pompei - Кіраўніцтва Пампеі - употреба Помпей - guia de Pompeia - Průvodce Pompeje - vodič Pompeji - aktiviteter i Pompeji - juhend Pompei - Guide de Pompéi - treoir Pompeii - fylgja Pompeii - водич Помпеја - gids pompeii - Podręcznik pompeii - guia de Pompéia - Ghidul Pompei - Руководство Помпеи- водич Помпеја - Sprievodca Pompeje - vodnik Pompeji - guía de Pompeya - Guide Pompeii - kılavuz pompeii - Керівництво Помпеї - útikönyv Pompeii - ガイドポンペイ - გიდის pompeii - 가이드 폼페이 (Pompeii) شهر پمپی تور

кіраўніцтва Пампеі - Помпей - guies Pompeia - příruček Pompeje - 指南庞贝 - 指南龐貝 - 가이드 폼페이 (Pompeii) - vodiči Pompeji - guider Pompeji - juhendid Pompei - gabay Pompeii - oppaita Pompeii - guides Pompéi - guías de Pompeia - canllawiau Pompeii - გიდები Pompeii - ガイドポンペイ- गाइड Pompeii - panduan Pompeii - handbækur Pompeii - ceļveži Pompejas - vadovai Pompeii - водичи Помпеја - gwidi Pompeii - guider Pompeii - gidsen Pompeii - راهنمای گر شهر پمپی Prowadnice Pompeii guias de Pompéia ghiduri Pompei Руководства Помпеи

водичи Помпеја príručiek Pompeje Vodila Pompeji guías Pompeya Guider Pompeji ปอมเปอีแนะนำ Führungen Pompeji kılavuzları Pompeii керівництва Помпеї útmutatók Pompeii

Amalfi Coast








Pompeii Tour guide - Herculaneum Tour guide - Pompei and Herculaneum tour - Stabiae Tour guide - Oplontis Tour guide - Naples Tour guide

Amalfi Coast - Sorrento - Positano - Paestum  Tour guide - Capua Amphitheater - Procida - Ischia - Capri


POMPEII AND MT VESUVIUSPompeii_Mount_Vesuvius_tour.html
POMPEII - HERCULANEUMPompeii_Herculaneum_tour.html
POMPEII SORRENTO POSITANOSorrento_Pompeii_Positano_tour.html
POMPEII AND CAPRIPompeii_Capri_tour.html
POMPEII AND AMALFIPompeii_Amalfi_tour.html
POMPEII AND NAPLESPompeii_Naples_and_Archaeological_Museum_tour.html




Wear comfortable shoes and in the summer do not forget to bring with you a hat, water, and possibly a sunscreen.


It’s possible that some of the buildings mentioned in the descriptions of the tours are closed at the time of the visit (their opening is out of our organization, being at the discretion of the management of the excavations)

How to arrive

By train: the local train Circumvesuviana Napoli-Sorrento takes 30 to 40 minutes to get to Pompeii from either Naples or Sorrento.Get off at "Pompei Scavi". The entrance to Pompeii is about 50m away from the station.

By bus: SITA runs buses from Naples.

By car: From north Highway A3 Napoli /Salerno, exit Pompeii/ovest; From south Highway A3 Napoli - Salerno – exit Pompeii/ovest

OUR POLICYOur_Policy.html


City Walking Tours




